After the previous two scheduled International Pop Overthrow Liverpool events were cancelled in light of the ongoing pandemic, we are now on the countdown to the return of the event. It should (all being well) kick off in 100 days. ONE HUNDRED DAYS!
One hundred days till I am reconnected properly with my tribe. One hundred days until I venture down the Cavern for the first time since December 2019. One hundred days till I get to see some of my favourite people up on stage again.
I confess there is a little hesitancy. The venue is small and there’s likely to be a lot of hugging. But the overwhelming feeling is that of getting back to the things that brought me joy in the “before” times.
Modern technology means that lots of IPOers have stayed in touch over these strange and interesting times. Several of the bands have had online shows and continued to make music for us all to enjoy while hunkered in the various lockdowns, and that’s been brilliant. We even have a Facebook group for regular IPO Liverpool peeps to share memories of past events while we wait to gather again.
There will, quite obviously, be the sad task of raising a glass to our fallen comrades. This happened in previous years too, but this year there will be sadly be a few more than usual.
But all that aside, I hope the overall feeling is joy at being reunited, tolerance of anyone who finds it all a bit much after the last two years or so, and happiness in hearing the music together again.
IPO Liverpool isn’t an event with an audience and performers, it’s a community event. In 100 days people will begin to arrive, all the emotions will rise at once and for the all too briefest of times, everything will feel that little bit better.
And in 107 days I will start my count down to the next one.
This review was originally posted on my personal blog –
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