Tag: international pop overthrow

The Arcadeans at the Cavern Club

Cavern Club 2nd June Our last band of the 2024 event, and a hell of a way to go out! It may have been Sunday lunchtime but these guys blew…

Spygenius at the Cavern Club

Cavern Club 29th May Spygenius were the last band we saw on Wednesday night. It was our busiest day of the event. They played again the next day but unfortunately,…

Dave Rave at the Cavern Club

Cavern Club 29th May A double dose of the Raver in a single day! I was pleased to hear Picture My Face! Dave always entertains and half the audience always…

Kim And Lee at the Cavern Club

With Morris WindsorCavern Club 29th May I am biased about all the bands I see at International Pop Overthrow, but especially about these splendid people. Kimberley Rew is responsible for…

Dave Rave at The Cavern Pub

Cavern Pub 29th May This was a late addition to the schedule; thankfully, another schedule change meant it didn’t clash with our plans. Anne-Marie is always a highlight, but at…

mylittlebrother at the Cavern Pub and Club

Cavern Pub and Club Tuesday 28th May It was so good to have mylittlebrother back at International Pop Overthrow Liverpool. The new songs sound great and it was fab to…

It’s Karma It’s Cool at The Cavern

Cavern Club on Monday 27th May. Our first band of the event and a bloody good way to start! These guys blew the roof off the place – an impressive…

IPO Liverpool Videos 2011 – 2019

2019 – 1 videos 2018 – 16 videos 2017 – 5 videos 2016 – 15 videos 2015 – 3 videos 2014 – 11 videos 2013 – 11 Videos 2011 –…

100 Days To International Pop Overthrow Liverpool 2022

After the previous two scheduled International Pop Overthrow Liverpool events were cancelled in light of the ongoing pandemic, we are now on the countdown to the return of the event….